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Manage your account

< 1 min read

In the Account area, you can manage both your LinkFacts subscriptions, change your personal details, update your billing information, and much more.

To access the My Account area, click on your avatar in the upper right corner of your dashboard and select My Account from the menu that appears.

Personal Info #

You can edit your personal details, you can change your personal details such as your name, username and your user avatar. Click on Save Changes after you’re done editing, to ensure your changes are saved.

Change Your Password and Email #

Switch to the second tab, called Password, to change your password or enter a different email address. Click on Save Changes after you’re done editing, to ensure your changes are saved.

Set the Language #

Switch to Language to change the language that LinkFacts displays.

Click Save Changes after you’re done editing, to ensure your changes are saved. 

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